Well it is 8:15 here in lovely Addis Ababa and as all of you ended your day we were having our first night with Silas boy. But i wanna rewind a little. Last evening three of the staff members from Hannah's Hope took us to a traditional Ethiopian cultural dinner. It was an optional activity but i am so glad that ours and three other families were able to enjoy it together. It was pretty funny b/c it was the same families that i mentioned in the previous post that all went together. We have had some serious fun together at this point. It might have been the 17 hour flight into Addis that bonded us together...when you see someone after 30 hours of travel and you still decide to be their friend, you might as well decide to be friends for life.
Anyhow, the dinner was so much fun! We all sat together around two round tiny tables that looked like drums turned upside down. The HH staff ordered for us one of everything i believe. The waitresses brought what looked like trashcan lids upside down (although they weren't trash can lids, i promise), and started spooning all kinds of traditional dishes on them. The also brought several long rolls of injera, a spongy flatbread that is fermented in what tastes a little to me like balsamic vinegar. The injera was our scoop basically for any dish we wanted to try. I was brave and tried most everything, except that which was described as spicy. Daniel tried the spicy stuff and I thought he might have lost most of the water in his body by sweating it out his pores! Then while we were all scooping and eating the stage filled with dancers and singers. I am pretty sure that the form of dancing known as popping and locking originated in Ethiopia. Holy cow, surely all their joints are dislocated! It was all beautiful nonetheless. I included some pictures for you to see. You will notice that our sweet boy slept through the whole thing! Although I should mention that he totally blew his diaper out in the van on the way to the restaurant and so I spent the first few minutes of our cultural experience Clorox wiping and Lysoling a spot on the floor of the women’s bathroom, putting down a disposable changing pad (thank you Shelly), and basically bathing my son! It was one of those lovely, “Welcome back to the baby days,” moments.
After dinner we headed home for our first night’s sleep with Silas. I have absolutely no complaints. He did spit up enough twice in the night for us to have to change his sleeper twice, but nothing to major. He totally sleeps on his own, he likes his space when he is ready to sleep. He went right into his crib. We are going to be very spoiled parents.
Today is Embassy day when we go do the formal interview and receive Silas’ papers for immigration and his passport. All 8 families go together and we are told we are called by alphabetical order, so it could be kind of a long day!
Enjoy the photos by clicking here!
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