Waiting, Wondering, Hoping & Praying Over Some Paper

So, i know it isn't really just over paper, that ultimately it is really about getting Silas home, but seriously I have never prayed more about paper in my life! I was just praying today about it in fact, praying that the person from MOWA and the person from Central Authority or whoever, would please get their stuff in THIS WEEK, so that next Friday when our name comes up all the PAPER is where it should be and says what it is supposed to say. There was this one moment today, around 12:23 to be exact, that i just had this strong sense of urgency to stop everything i was doing and start praying about the papers. So I did. I prayed. About paper. Again. God is faithful, even in the little things. Like paper. :)

In other news, a few important things got done around the house this weekend in the name of Silas Preparation. It does seem like Mission Impossible, but i am trying not to get too overwhelmed with it all. We cleaned out Atley & Ava's closets, moved some stuff into the cellar and hung some organizer things up in the closet for Silas' things. The best part was looking at each little article of clothing and thinking about how cute his little brown skin will look in each color. Some of the things he will wear will be passed down from Atley, which is super special and quite bittersweet. The clothing has been in rubbermaid tubs for awhile now, but you can still smell the faint sent of baby detergent. It is hard to imagine that he was once that little, especially after taking him for his kindergarten shots last Friday! Whew, was that a battle?! Another story for another day.

Well, time for the bedtime routine to begin for A&A. 10 days. 10 days until our court date. Hopefully and prayerfully what will be our only court date! Things moved so quickly to this point, but these days seem to be creeping by. I will probably look back and think of this time and wonder, "What the heck was my hurry?!"


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